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This policy recognises that the environment, health and safety of all employees working with Sydney Metal Recyclers are the responsibility of company management.

In fulfilling this responsibility, management has a duty to provide and maintain, so far as is practicable, a working environment that is safe and without risk to health and as good corporate citizens it shall provide and promote environmental policies, which demonstrate its commitment to protecting the environment.

This responsibility includes:


Sydney Metal Recyclers recognises that protection of the environment is an extremely important aspect within the company’s operations and a necessary element of good corporate citizenship.

Sydney Metal Recyclers is committed to implementing systems and procedures to facilitate the adoption and maintenance of sound environmental management and operating practices and to ensure the continual improvement of environmental performance.

Sydney Metal Recyclers Environmental Management System will operate to maintain a formalised method of control and minimise the environmental impact of all of the company’s activities.
Sydney Metal Recyclers environmental objectives are:

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